Saturday, March 22, 2014

It always seems impossible.

I know you are using an electronic device to read this article, a device you recharged using electricity generated miles and miles away. But take a moment and imagine you lived somewhere around 1910. You would probably be living in some remote village and the furthest you would ever dream of getting would be the next village unless of course you were prepared to spent days and months on a ship. If overseas countries went into war you would only hear about it after the war was over. You would marvel at the stars, the moon and the beautiful night sky with no hopes of ever unwinding their mysteries not to mention, touch them.

In less than a century, the rules have changed so much so that a 1930's civilian would never survive. Computers have completely changed our lifestyle, notorious humans have landed on the moon. Weird machines are out there seeking answers to our burning questions. We are flying across continents in a matter of hours, or fractions. At this point, you can imagine what it'll be like a century or 50 years from now. Mind boggling, isn't it.

That my friend, is how it all starts, the journey begins when it seems too impossible to achieve. When you start to imagine the exciting end result even though it sounds crazy when you say it loud. Some people imagine, savor that possibility and that's all they ever do, some imagine it but get overwhelmed by the obstacles so end up resenting that imagination. The survivors, the winners are those who already see the results, they work at it until it gets real. Uncertain? Of course they are, so much could go wrong but they stand strong working from plan A to Z. They enjoy the journey, they stick with it until the world responds. That my friend is how change happens, how history is made, how nothing yields something.

 I always give stories of historical men who walked the earth but today I'd like you to look inside you. Remember the last meaningful achievement you made, doesn't matter how small. Whether it was loosing 5 pounds or getting a promotion or acing a test or even doing your laundry on time. Remember how good it felt, didn't you want to feel that way for the rest of your life? I know I do. Life is amazing and it allows you to feel that way everyday; by taking small steps and challenging yourself until something happens. That feeling is priceless so remember it the next time you shy of an opportunity.

 The late legendary Nelson Mandela left us with a witty quote that I keep reciting to myself every now and then. "It always seems impossible until it is done", damn right it does. I hereby challenge you to take the first step and enjoy the journey, I promise you it will be amazing.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Do it anyway!

Sometimes life is too uncertain to believe, too opaque to see the big picture. But you know what, it still is amazing. It is in those low moments, that we need the wise words of Kent M. Keith. 

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.Give the world the best you have anyway.

It is a long poem, but you have read it anyway ...:) . May your week have an amazing start. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

If I had a time travel.

You might think the idea of a time travel is another one of those puerile ideas scientists come up with to prove just how weird they are. Its probably true, but as long as there is a  possibility its only a matter of time before the government starts taxing trips through time. Like any other positive thinker I already have a list. A list of stops I'll make as I make my trip through time.

  I don't know if watching philosophers makes you wise, but I'm hoping it does. It is why I will stop at centuries before Christ. Perhaps I'll absorb the minds of Plato, Aristotle, Aristarchus and Archimedes just simply  observing them. I have a  likening for smart minds so I would have would admire the smart minds of Egyptians and Babylonians, the minds that invented Algebra. It is my hope that I'll swallow their thought process.

   Next stop would be the 17th century, to catch up with my buddy (in a parallel universe) Isaac Newton. I think I will spend years there. There's a lot to learn here. All the way from half my Physics textbook to the real stories behind them, to the brain behind them. Newton is a living proof that you don't have to be loud or normal to make an impact. 

   Thereafter I would have to meet Michael Faraday, the black smith's son who later refused the prestigious position of President of the Royal Society of Britain. This man's life will re instill in me the fact that passion is the real key to sucess not even finances can get in the way. 

   Next stop would be 20th century. I will of course pay tribute to the big names of Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking and Steve Jobs among others. I also wouldn't want to miss out on the really extraordinary people; Mother Teresa who believed in the power of small, Jessica Cox, who is a living proof that we can't make excuses to achieve what we want.

   All these people were pretty ordinary, they didn't have 25 hours in a day and neither did they eat special manna from heaven. Everything about them was just ordinary, in fact if I hadn't seen their familiar faces, am pretty sure they wouldn't stand out from the crowd. I guess that's what makes life amazing, when extraordinary is borne of ordinary, or even less than ordinary.  Through passion, perseverance and persistence they have built something, broken barriers and lived miracles.

 Am not sure if the time travel will travel to the future but I would like to leave that a mystery. I would come back to now, a messy world where the real adventure happens. I don't know how this experience will affect me but am pretty sure I will be wiser. Every obstacle will just seem so small compared to what these giants had to live through.

   Here I am, with so many possibilities for the future, with opportunities Newton never dreamed of and visions of a professional dreamer. I guess that that's enough because if there is anything I am certain of is that, there is nothing wrong with wanting things you can't see.