Sunday, July 28, 2013


Some call it power, others call it force, some it call it a miracle, and you can call it whatever you want name it. I know it by the name energy. I don’t know much about it yet but I do know it lights the room, both technically and literally.  You’ll find it everywhere, in the workplace, at home, on the dance floor, anywhere literally. Albert Einstein wasn’t crazy after all to declare that everything in the universe is just energy.  There is a catch to that.
            According to Rhonda Bryne, the author of the secret; the universe is made of two kinds of energies. Good energy that encompasses love, serenity and satisfaction as well as the other kind of energy that is uncomfortable to talk about.  The universe (which is just energy by the way) responds according to the energy emitted. In other words, like attracts like. Confusing? Well in simple terms, if you think sad the universe will give you sad, likewise if you think happy, the universe will obey your command. Isn’t life just amazing?
            We all have problems, challenges we have to face daily , weekly, monthly basis. It is easy and tempting to just shut the door and sulk all day hoping some magic will make it better. Well, it doesn’t and most likely never will. The universe returns the negative you emit to it. The only way to beat the system is to emit positive energy. Positive energy returns itself. Start the day with a smile and watch how contagious energy is. “Energy” lights up the room, positive energy precisely lights up the room. It turns a whirlwind of disappointments and discouragement into success. That’s why we should hold on it. It is the reason to look on the bright side and be appreciative, a reason to live.

            Aristotle once wrote “The energy of the mind is the essence of life”. No, energy works magic. So here’s what you are going to do, you are going to appreciate the amazing features of life, keep your energy high. Why? Because, energy is the new currency.

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