Saturday, September 7, 2013

It never makes sense.


            It all made sense, mechanics, gravitation, light, they were all sorted when Isaac Newton proved all those theories. When he said that light could not bend it made sense, we believed that inertial and gravitational mass were the same, we all believed time and space were absolute. Then came  Albert Einstein who defied all that we knew and proved that light can actually bend then nothing else made sense. Life is messed up, anyone who has ever worked at something will attest to that. I mean, we pray but we don’t get answers, we put in efforts but we don’t get what we want, we try but somehow the universe doesn’t recognize that, just when we have connected with people, they leave. Life doesn’t make sense sometimes.
            So what now? After all those failures and disappointments, give up and quit. It’s the logical thing to do but it’s not exactly the right thing to do. If you agree on that, you are not alone. We all get confused, we all lose and we lose more often than we win. Dreams are not cheap; they require all the threads you can pull up.

            I have been listening to the song, Loser like me by Glee and it just says all the right words especially this part “But hey, everyone you wanna be, Probably started off like me.”   Everyone who has made it big, everyone who fulfilled their dream started small, probably where you are right now. I like using Albert Einstein not only because he was weird, but because I have recently read his biography and I have to say there is lots of free lessons to be grabbed there. Many young people give up on their career because of all those rejection letters from job applications. It is interesting to find to find Albert Einstein faced the exact same thing, his father had to take the initiative of writing letters to professors just so he could get a placement; with or without payment. Had he given up and resorted to being normal, we would be at least a century behind in science and technology. Morale of the story; hold on, learn.

            I know how naive this may sound.  Many grownups will tell you dreams are fairytales, they never come true. Most likely because they don’t know what it’s like to accomplish something. When you look back at how far you have come, it feels nice, doesn’t it? You defied the laws of gravity at some point and nothing else matters. Take the feeling and hold on to it, it’s the feeling you’ll feel when you have finally accomplished your goal. Stop listening to all that noise even if it comes from your own head.

            Follow your intuition no matter how wrong your brain thinks it is. Being dynamic as it is, Life is far from sorted.  Hold on to hope because it’s the only way up what have you to lose anyway? I remember an all time classic proverb “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going”. I don’t know who said it, but I know he mastered the art of seeing the big picture; he mastered the art of seeing the amazing aspects of life. No matter how confused it seems at the moment, there will always be that amazing end where it will all make sense.


  1. And that is as true ,Your work is going to fill a large
    part of your life, and the only way
    to be truly satisfied is to do what
    you believe is great work. And the
    only way to do great work is to
    like what you do.

  2. And that is as true ,Your work is going to fill a large
    part of your life, and the only way
    to be truly satisfied is to do what
    you believe is great work. And the
    only way to do great work is to
    like what you do.


Drop in what you have to say ... in the spirit of an amazing life..:)