Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Great expectations, Great reality.

 Get real, miracles don't happen, I hear this phrase all too often that it has lost its impact on my mind. It is told in different words but it tends to impact the same feeling that reality is set to prove us wrong. If the definition of miracles is instantaneously turning water to wine then of course they don't happen,at least not in this century.
           When reality doesn't meet expectations, we make jokes out of them and that marks the end of expecting. Well, if these expectations were not thriving for, its okay. Otherwise, I would like to explicitly say that miracles do happen. If you choose not to see them in your life then maybe you'll probably see in others'.
            You have probably heard a lot about Michael Faraday, his scientific achievements, fame and all his might and glory. What you probably don't know is where he came from and how he came to be appear in science textbooks. He was simply a boy with big dreams. Well, here is his story, if this doesn't inspire you I don't what will. Faraday was a son of a blacksmith and he never received any formal schooling. At the age of 14, he got a job as a bookbinder's apprentice. He made impressive notes of Physics that a rich customer sponsored him to attend lectures of Humphry Davy, a prominent scientist of the time. He eventually became Davy’s assistant. You would expect that his job description would include laboratory work or book binding. Well, he was the guy who washed the dishes and brought water when someone was thirsty. He took these opportunities to get closer to physics and physicists, he read and experimented whenever he got he chance to. He kept hope alive and somehow he ended up with the immortal name. That’s nothing short of a miracle.
            Miracles, I know many are uncomfortable with this word because reality seem to have no space for them. Well, miracles are not magic tricks, they are not the magic lamps that will solve everything. Miracles are the little things or big things that defy gravity. Sometimes we are too absorbed that we don't notice them. People who make a name for themselves, the healing power of time, when expectations meet reality, that’s magic. Miracles take time, a few months, a few years or even a lifetime. The good part  is we make these miracles, consciously or not.
            I have heard and read about people who have walked the walk and talked the talk. All I can say, keep the hope alive. Why? Because reality is not final until it has met expectations. Hold onto that dream, shoot for the stars because you will land somewhere in its vicinity. Miracles do happen, if you find it impractical to count on them, then just keep it that mind. You will know one when you see one...J


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