Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Making magic.

They say a New Year is supposed to bring some sort of magic. They say you get one wish on this day, a wish we want granted in the next year. Scientifically this doesn’t make the minutest of sense simply because nothing is expected to come out of nothing. But then again, as credible as science is, it can’t explain a lot of things, especially when the human mind is involved.
Truth is there’s nothing special about beginning a New Year. Technically, its’ just a day we change a digit of the date on a calendar conventionally made for our convenience. A new year could begin in February, June or even December; any day could mark the beginning of a new year. It is that moment when you make the decision to make life amazing and explore its magic.That is what makes it special.
I remember this day Tuesday 1st January 2013; I was sitting with a blank page trying to come up with realistic resolutions, so I wrote a list of everything I wanted to do. Excel academically, Build my character, make better lifestyle choices, oh yes and start a blog. I had an idea of a silent blog, fun, progressive, a blog that draws inspiration from science, blocks the noise we constantly we listen to and believes in humanity.  Now that I look back I think I did just fine. This blog has over 4500 pageviews, something I never expected. Yes, I've had accomplishments and disappointments too. But that’s life, failure is never the end but merely means to the end. The journey continues in 2014.
So, here’s 2014, am still staring at a blank page, just like 365 days ago. This time it’s not the same. This time, I actually believe in New Years’ resolutions, I’m not afraid to fail or take chances; I actually believe that life is amazing. There’s a common phrase that everyone uses on New Year, ‘New Year, New me’.  Well, I think I’m still the same old me, only bolder.
They say New Year is supposed to bring some sort of magic.  They forget that magic is all around us. We make magic in the choices and commitments we make. Here is a perfect moment to make that wish and make it come true, you got the magic. On this first day of the rest of your life, I would like to wish you an amazing new year. 

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