Monday, April 7, 2014

Life's basic algorithm

We don't need the second law of thermodynamics to know that the universe lacks order, we don't need the M-theory to realize  that life is not straight and that things happens at random. Fact is, no matter how much we try some things are just out of our control. Some things will just happen whether or not it is what we want. The amazing part is that life comes with a simple algorithm to ensure we are not as helpless.

Scientists have a lot to tell us, not only form their theories but also from their personal lives. Stephen Hawking, the smartest man alive is one of my huge role models.  At 21,when he was diagnosed with ALS, a deadly motor neuron disease and  was given 2 years to live . Like any other human he almost gave up on his studies and life in general, I know I would. But he learned for a to value every second of life, living everyday like it was the last day.
Today he stands at 72, physically weak but mentally strong, probably stronger than any other person alive,  a living testimony of mind over matter power . He couldn't control the fact that he got the disease but he could control how he dealt with it.

Magical isn't it. We have the ability to defy the laws of nature and it all lies in our minds. It all starts with accepting the situation and then doing something about it no matter how small. Soon enough your mind will take charge and you will be well on your way to regaining your control.

No path is ever clear as we might expect it to be. As amazing as it is, life gives us an algorithm that should sort everything out. It is simple as this: Something happened, is there anything you can do about it? If yes then do it already!! if no, don't waste your time and energy, adjust to the wind and you wont break. There is no point in fighting what you can't control. With this simple algorithm you should be well on your way to a productive week, have an amazing one!

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