Monday, May 19, 2014

Hello overachiever...

Its May, and you are starring at a project that was to be accomplished by last year. You had a mission, you have a goal , a defined routine; a sense of purpose. Everything was in tune,
until when life got really messy and you started living to survive, from one deadline to the next. In between these you lost track of the mission in the first place. Well, I say welcome to reality , a land where randomness is the norm and laws of physics stop to hold.

If you are an overachiever, then I know at these times you just want to punish yourself for not meeting that goal in time. You probably want to give up already; looking back at the original plan just makes you realize how immature and silly you were. Guess what? You are not alone. Plan A almost always never works. Besides, you'll learn a lot more as you improvise.

We all fall off our commitments sometimes, either due to failed attempts or just the fact that we are human. The worst thing you can do at that point is give up. It may be just one task, and failing it isn't a big deal but as you already know misery loves company. The psychological impact of that action to your brain is way greater than the action itself. Many of us underestimate that impact, but quitting may sound practical, sets up a ripple effect on subsequent aspects of our lives.

We strive for perfection and excellence. But we are too human to simply use mathematical models to give us results. If every task worked as planned, there would no point on planning in the first place. If it helps, Da Vinci's model of an aeroplane has only been realized 5 centuries latter. Point is, Its never too late to start over.
The next time you are at the quitting point, I say, Congratulations you are officially a fully fledged human, Those plans you had, they couldn't last a second in the world.  Life is amazing, it offers a plan B, and the plan is "Dust yourself up and beat the odds". Have a great week!

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