Sunday, January 18, 2015

A heterogenous universe

You are you for a reason, I don't know if this sentiment has been said enough but I'll keep saying it. Despite all we know, we normally a natural tendency  to fit in, or at least try to. Ussually , much to our disappointment, we realise that it is impossible. No matter how much you practise you'll never sing like Mariah Carey , or dance like Beyonce, or be as smart as Stephen Hawking. This is a stone cold reality yet I hear so many whine that  they are talent-less. Its admirable to look upto the best, but not to be them but the best version of yourself.

In case you haven't noticed, we live in a heterogenous universe and when you think of it, it is the force behind our existence, literally. We have rivers because of difference in altitudes, we have wind because of difference in pressure between two places, we have trade because of difference in allocation of resources. And its not just these superficial facts we can attribute. Life on earth probably began due to a heterogenous universe. Stars were not evenly distributed so some clusters had enough gravity to create galaxies, and the heterogenous nature of these galaxies led to some stars like the sun to have planets , of which the earth was in the best position to harbour life. So yeah , life itself was born of heterogeneity. Had the universe been uniform, there would be no story to write.

Point is, we are not the same and we'll never be the same. We have differences and that is a good thing, it means we should learn from each other, admire and respect each other because we have a role to play on the history of the universe. Remember this the next time you try to compare yourself with others only to realise that living someone else's life  is an impossible mission. Its better to use those talents and experiences than trade for another's life.

PS: I know its been a long time since I posted something. I took a little sabbatical to discover the secrets of the universe(kidding). I was in a dilemma whether this blog should continue, Don't worry though, life is amazing and I'll keep writing. Have an amazing week ahead.

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