Sunday, March 1, 2015

Forget balance , try focus.

I'm gonna talk about diamonds and waterfalls today. They may be completely different things but they both illustrate one common and very important lesson; the power of concentration. Diamond is made of Carbon, the same stuff that makes charcoal and pencils, but we don't see anyone singing about the latter and there is a reason; concentration. Diamond is made from Graphite under very intense pressure and temperature, another synonym for concentration. Same applies to waterfalls, ordinary water has nothing special, we use it without even noticing, focus it to pour a cliff and governments will make a fortune out of tourists. 

So much for just one word? Not exactly. We live in a society that upholds normal even though we can't clearly define normal is, we resonate with words like balanced, well rounded, versatile , multitasking among others. Which is a good thing if all these other things contribute to one final goal, otherwise it is of no significant value. The main and probably only reason Leonardo da Vinci is still popular is because he did it all. He did engineering, architecture, painting , biology, mathematics, physics, geology and more, probably all the professions of the 21st century. He did it all, but he didn't do it all at once. Actually , he was primarily a painter, then pursued other fields later in life. 

There is no shortcut to mastery, its focus. It is through focus that priorities are made, that willpower is efficiently used and everything falls into place. It may sound like getting lazy but it actually gives you energy to do even more. 

Have an amazing week ahead!

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