Monday, August 10, 2015

Allow yourself to be happy.

A lot of people equate happiness to laziness. That is if you are happy then you will be too content with what you have hence you won't be the ambition for more.  We have glorified self-torture so much that among others hustling has become a positive word and sleeping for less than healthy hours is praised particularly among the youth. We even go as far as diminishing our achievements, depriving ourselves so that we are not too comfortable. I don't know to what extent this will work but I know that this approach ultimately breaks in the long run. 

Success is built from effort, but effort is not the same as torture. Effort is meaningful work done for the love of it or to achieve a particular goal. Effort is not sleep deprivation so that you look busy or to please other people. Effort comes naturally.

I have to admit that I also fell into the trap, in high school the school manager , a clergy, used to give us a motivating speech every Monday about we should work hard to like him, to achieve our dreams. Recreation was considered taboo back then.What he didn't emphasize though was what motivated him, see he was making a huge difference in society and he enjoys it. He was in his zone, he was living with purpose and everything else was just a necessary evil. Getting there doesn't happen automatically, we don't all wake up knowing our talent, passion and purpose.  We have to try different things, fail at some or many to get to that zone. 
Relaxing is not laziness, it is sometimes necessary

The law of the secret states that like attracts like. Discontent attracts more discontent and  peace attracts more peace. Working for  something you love and enjoy is not self deprivation because it is rewarding in itself and it attracts more success. The vice versa is also true. This is the secret with history makers of all times. They don't just work aimlessly. 

Moral story: There is nothing wrong with being happy and content. 

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