Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Productivity hacks.

So productivity is hot right now. Google 'Productivity' and watch how many results you get.
So I'm not the ultra productive person alive, but I get asked 'How I do it' many times so I guess I'm doing something right. By the way, if follow me on Twitter you'll notice my headline below.

I'm obsessed with productivity. It makes me feel in control (of at least my time).
There are so techniques out there and different techniques work for different people. I'm gonna share what works for me.

Hit pause. 
The secret to getting more done is not doing more but less.
I start my day with a 5 am run. I used to dread it but now I believe its the best part of my day. All I have to do is think and observe while my legs just move. Its the ultimate happy place for an introvert. Plus ,I also enjoy the health benefits without the strain of lifting weights (now you know why I don't go to the gym :) and the endorphins. I use the time to meditate and think about anything my mind brings to attention. Here is my latest score.

Long story short, reserve some time to let your subconscious do the work.

I then eat breakfast my elephant. No I don't mean eating poached animals. There is always that one task that is perhaps more demanding or that needs to be done. Start with that while your willpower is still strong. If you don't have any particular one, prioritize one. Once finish it, it will be out of the way and you'll boosted to do more.

Define your goals. You can't stop the clock, but you can time to your advantage. Measure progress not by how much time you have used but how many goals you have achieved. Otherwise, you will always feel rushed. I use Wunderlist  to keep track of tasks, What do you use?

Multitasking only works when it does. At the Amandla Fellowship the monk taught us all about bandwidth. When focusing on one task at a time, you are working with full bandwidth and get more done. This boosts your energy to do even more. When you multitask, it feels like you are doing a lot of work but you are doing it at less bandwidth. Besides, it can be overwhelming to have so many open tasks. Do yourself a favor and ignore everything else.

When you have found your niche, you'll notice your productivity improve and anxiety diminish. There are also pitfalls you are prone to.

There will be days when no matter what you do, nothing will work. These are the days when the only thing I seem to have accomplished is make tea. Contrary to logic, these are the days you need to be gentle to yourself. It doesn't help to beat yourself up. Remember, that is reserve for future productivity.

You are human, not a machine. Not everything you plan will work out. Not everything is within your control. Recover, improvise and move on. Life is so much more than ticking stuff off a to do list.

Celebrate achievements as they come. The more you achieve, the harder you'll want to work. Its good to keep stretching yourself but don't forget to celebrate little wins.

Last but not least, remember you have all the time you need. You won't necessarily accomplish more by having time. Try to make the best use of the time as possible.

Wheew.. that was a long post. I hope you enjoyed it and when you are so productive that you have a few minutes to spare,  write a post about productivity ..:).
Have a great rest of the week.

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