Thursday, June 9, 2016

Speaking of challenges

You probably know now that I love challenges. I am either doing one or looking for my next one. I recently challenged my body by doing 2 workouts a day for 2 months. Yap, that's right I went there.
So I'd go for a run in the morning and do a 1 hour Youtube workout in the evening, almost (*)everyday. One word: It was hard but worth it. I'm gonna share my experience and why I will be stopping.


1) Endorphins, endorphins, endorphins. If I could make a living out of them ,I would. I still don't get the biology that you get to feel so good after going through so much torture but I'm a big fan.

2) Less sleep. I highly recommend exercise to anyone looking to cut sleep. I could get away with 6 hours or less while on the regime.

3) Reflection and ideas. Physical pain aside, exercise time is a great time for meditation. Having 2 of these sessions a day really helped cope with stress, get perspective and generate awesome ideas. Highly recommend if you are looking for your next startup idea.

4) Value for time. Knowing that you have to accomplish this feat every day really makes you value time and utilize it efficiently. I made sacrifices on social life to keep it up.

As much as I would  like to keep reaping the benefits I will stop for the following reasons.
1)Weight. I have lost so much weight drastically and I don't want to go further. Here's to some body recuperation.

2) Its addictive. With every workout move you conquer, you want to do more.Its great, but I don't want to be a professional athlete either, so no thanks, I'll pass. I would like to focus on other areas of life. There is more to life than living from workout to workout. You probably know this already. By the way if you have book recommendations feel free to ping me.

3) Did I mention how hungry I get? And how expensive food is getting? #StudentBudget dictates I should burn less to consume less.

A challenge is meant to bring the best in you and it was good while it lasted. One workout a day is perfectly good for a normal healthy human being.  Here is to conquering more. Have a great start to the weekend!

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