Monday, May 27, 2013

From scratch...

Before 2007, facebook didn’t exist, I mean physically exist. It existed in one guy’s mind. It’s 2013 now and everyone is talking about it. Google Inc  was nothing but an idea before 1998. It was potentially the next big thing and its proving this in every way.  Thanks to the courage of Larry Page and Sergery Bin. William Kamkwamba and Steve Jobs were just ordinary people, people we would normally label disadvantaged. Somehow, they have become the people we look up to.
            If you have never heard of Elon Musk or Dr. Mamphela Pamphele, I’ll fill you in. They are simply amazing people who qualify to be super humans by all standards. The kind people who inspire you to be just about anything you want to be. Elon Musk is a entrepreneur, he is the founder of Paypal , SpaceX , Solar City and Tesla Motors. He is probably very rich but what draws me to him is his ambition to define the future. He is literally making spacecraft for NASA, on top of having the largest solar company in the US on top of being a generous philanthropist. When you think you can’t amount to any good, think twice, you can do a lot more than you think.
            Dr. Mamphela Ramphele is one other story, she is probably famous because she is a political activist but there is a lot more to her name, former Vice Chancellor of the University of Capetown, Managing director of the world bank and she has 18 honorary doctoral degrees from universities all over the world. Yes, I did mention 18 including a PhD in social anthropology. She is a superhuman by all standards. The interesting part is, all this started somewhere, from nothing but ambition and determination.  
            Life can be mean and tough and ugly, but I do love one thing about it, it doesn’t judge. Unlike humans who will criticize and discourage you, the universe doesn’t really care about where you are from. It gives chances to anyone ready to grab them.  Everything we see today started from scratch, every company, every building, every entity, just everything started with an idea. It’s the brave people like Dr. Ramphele or William Kamkwamba who manage to make history out of it.
            Carl Bard once wrote, “Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending.” I think he summarizes everything going on. It doesn’t really matter who you are or where are from. You just have to pick a spot and start somewhere, stick to the path and simply wait for results. Life is amazing that way.

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